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S. Korea: Won't accept DPRK as a nuclear state

发布时间:2016-05-09  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

South Korea has re-affirmed its stance that it will not accept the DPRK as a nuclear state as Kim Jong Un described at the Workers’ Party congress.

“Our stance, along with that of the international community, is consistent in that we will not accept the DPRK as a nuclear state. The government will continue to put forth efforts to make the DPRK give up its nuclear program through imposing tough sanctions and pressure,” said Moon Sang-Gyun, spokesman South Korean defense ministry.

A spokesman for South Korea’s Unification Ministry said at a regular news briefing Seoul has not given up on dialogue. But Jeong Joon-hee stressed genuine dialogue is only possible when Pyongyang shows sincerity about denuclearization.

The DPRK came under the latest U.N. sanctions in March after its fourth nuclear test in January and a long-range rocket launch the next month. But it has defied international pressure with more activities under its nuclear and missile programs.

中国全民传媒网摘编GAN JADE

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